Welcome to my blog! 🙂
I am happy to see you here!

Who I am and why am I writing this blog
I loooove to travel, to explore. I travel whenever we can.
Traveling abroad, taking a flight to somewhere distant, where no-one speaks our language is awesome.
You are torn away from all the stuff happening in your life.
I’ve always spent as many hours preparing for our travels as we actually stayed there.
I always want to see everything.
See, taste, smell everything these places have to offer.
I can not describe how much I enjoy these preparations: searching the web, creating my own maps in Google, deciding on the best routes, looking at opening times, prices, read reviews. And waiting for all those unpredictable things that are going to happen to us anyways. 🙂
But usually running away to distant destinations is just not an option.
FOMO is a real condition, people! 🙂
So, I figured out a cure: I will make our very own city a travel destination for ourselves.
There are so many interesting things in Budapest, the city, I was born in.
So, I decided to change it.
There are so many tourists coming to this city every year. Pretty sure that most of them read guide books or professional sites before arriving.
But maybe they – you! 🙂 – would also be interested in a more personal insight into the life of this city.
Sometimes it seems to me that everyone and their alien cousins are a blogger.
Not surprisingly: it is a hobby that helps us to discover new things, to develop an eye for the old yet unknown and unfolded attractions. To sense the wonders that are hidden in the daily rush.
And hopefully, it can help you, the reader, by giving you insights into the experiences and thoughts of someone else about a topic you are interested in.
It is a win-win!
This is how and why this blog was born.
What will you find in this blog?
I would like to give you our personal views, I would like to recommend things that we really enjoy here.
Budapest is one of those places that has enough to keep us busy for years on end, there’s truly no end in sight.
Budapest has a long history with all its darkness and lightness, it feels strong when you walk around. Here you can see how love can not only turn paper to stone (for real!) but also bring a city out of dark times of terror and into the light.
I hope you will enjoy walking all over Budapest. And I hope that my blog will help you get the most out of your Budapest vacation.
I would like to make your visit to our city memorable. I want you to enjoy your stay here so much that you do not want to leave. And I want you to start planning your returning already on your way back home.
So tell me: what are you are most interested in? What are those topics you would like to read more about? Are there any programs or sights you would like to visit but you are not sure if they are worth your time during your short stay? Just ask me. Write an e-mail to nemethkg@gmail.com. I will do my best to answer your questions.
All the best!
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